The 7 Best Things to do for a Travel Hangover

The “travel hangover” A.K.A. the “post-vacation blues”, we have all been there.  You are on an amazing trip with your significant other, spending days waking up to the sounds of waves crashing, enjoying coffee while overlooking boats on the ocean, sipping cocktails at the pool, enjoying candle-lit dinners with amazing views, walking in the sand while watching the beautiful sunset, and then it’s time to leave.  It is easy to return home feeling tired and unmotivated to get back into everyday life.  Here are 7 easy tips to get you back to feeling like yourself and get you closer to your next destination!  

  1. Unpack. Unpack your suitcase ASAP! Put your travel items and toiletries away, and do your laundry first thing!   It can be easy to leave your suitcase on the floor and think you will take care of it tomorrow.  The truth is the longer you leave it, the harder it is to do.  Check it off the list, it will be easier than you thought and will feel so good.  Travel tip…have a travel laundry bag on your trip where you put all of your dirty clothes. Take the laundry bag straight to the washer and BOOM…most of your suitcase is unpacked! 
  2. Routine and organization.   Any time you are feeling out of sorts, the best way to kick that feeling is to organize your life.  Get back into your routine…organize your calendar, organize your desk, get through the mail, address emails that weren’t checked while you were gone, organize the refrigerator – get rid of any old food and hit the grocery store.  
  3. Focus on your health.  Stay hydrated and get outdoors if possible.  Jet lag is lessened by sunlight and worsened by dehydration.  Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine if possible.  Do a quick workout, even if you’re tired. Some physical activity will do wonders for your mental, physical, and emotional health.   Make sure those groceries you pick up are filled with healthy options to adjust your body back from travel eating that may have been out of your normal diet, and lastly, rest.  It may feel counterintuitive to rest after a vacation, but the truth is traveling is tiring.  Listen to your body, and ease slowly back into daily life.   
  4. Time.  If you can, leave a day to recover before getting back to work.  Nothing is harder than coming in from a late flight and getting up to go to work in the morning, especially if you are traveling from a different time zone.  We have done this so many times, and it always makes for a day that is just not productive or enjoyable.  Give your brain at least one day to readjust to your normal routine.  
  5. Organize your travel photos and videos.  Crop, edit, and share your photos with friends and family before you forget all the fun details.  Reliving the memories will be sure to bring you some great feelings.  
  6. Enjoy your home. After traveling to beautiful weather and scenery, it is easy to return home and ask yourself, “Why on earth do I live in this climate, city, etc?”  Have something planned to do that is fun in your hometown.  Meet some friends for drinks, visit your favorite restaurant, and remember why your city is a great place live.  
  7. Plan your next trip. Plan your next getaway and have something to look forward to.  Every time we leave a beautiful location we say, “We need to leave this destination to get to the next!”  Since our first trip, we have always had our next travel adventure on the books.